Brettell, Jonathan

Start date:
October 2011
Research Topic:
Walking Severn Miles: an Emotional Geography of the Riverscape
Research pathway:
Research Supervisor:
Dr. Peter Merriman, Dr. Gareth Hoskins and Dr. Carl Lavery
Supervising school:
Department of Geography and Earth Sciences,
Primary funding source:
ESRC Studentship

This research will attempt to use the flow and the form of the River Severn as a thread with which to weave a particular emotional geography of the river, its banks and proximate settlements. This will be exercised through walking the Severn from source to mouth and exploring the forming of relations that take-place amongst the affective atmosphere of the river and its environs. It will be a narration of the convergence between air; land; water; embodied experience. In order to express the findings a range of arts and techniques will be used to portray the various affects; histories; futures and how they fold into, and are spun out from the here-and-now, and in so doing it is hoped that stronger links will be forged between geography and performance studies.