Thomas, Ian Richard

Start date:
January 2012
Research Topic:
(Homo)Sex out of the city: The digital cultures of rural men who have sex with men
Research Supervisor:
Dr Matthew Williams & Dr Emma Renold
Supervising school:
School of Social Sciences,
Primary funding source:
ESRC Studentship

This ethnography will explore the digital technologies and techno-practices which compose gay male digital culture as they are experienced by men who have sex with men (MSM) living in rural areas. In addition to these men’s lived experiences, this study will also focus on the role of digital culture in sexual identity performance and subjectivity. The analysis and design will draw on phenomenological and psychosocial approaches in order to be more attentive to embodiment and affectivity when theorising subjectivity. This research adds to our understanding of the entangled processes and practices of men who have sex with men and digital technologies, whilst also lending a new (digital) perspective to discussions of embodiment and nature within rural sexualities.

Selected Recent Publications

Thomas, I. (2011) The Changing Landscape in Kelly, K. (ed) Response to the Labour Party Housing Policy Review: How do we meet families’ aspirations for good housing and a good home? Submission by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York