Research Training Support Grant

If you are funded as an WGSSS student you are eligible for an allowance towards your expenses (as deemed by you, your supervisor or your department to be in direct support of your research). Examples of such expenses might include:

  • UK Fieldwork Expenses
  • UK, EU and overseas conferences and summer schools
  • language training courses usually undertaken in the UK prior to an overseas fieldwork trip
  • reimbursement of interpreters, guides, assistants
  • survey costs, e.g. printing, stationery, telephone calls
  • purchase of small items of equipment e.g. cameras, tape recorders, films
  • books and other reading material not available through libraries

Your home institution will process claims against your Research Training Support Grant.  Please contact your school/departmental postgraduate research administrator in the first instance if you are unclear about the process for billing expenses against your Research Training Support Grant.