Author Archives: Simon Wood

About Simon Wood

I am a digital learning manager at Cardiff University.

Carrot flavoured sticks: embedding evidence in government policy

Richard Thurston introduces the role of social science research in policy processes, including evidence-based policy making. He considers the origins and theory underlyingevidence-based policy making and the challenges of implementing this in everyday practice.

Video recording from a talk at the ESRC First Year Student Conference in Cardiff, January 2015. Continue reading

Qualitative Research Methods: Data Analysis

A masterclass with Professor Paul Atkinson.

If you work through this resource from start to finish, doing everything, it will take about 4 hours. You can of course take it in smaller steps and also repeat elements of it at any time.

Many people find working with data and generating an analysis from data to be daunting aspects of the research process. If you have collected data, but are wondering what to do with it, or are not sure how to set about analysis, this course will provide you with some guidance and some ‘safe’ experience using a particular approach. It involves working with some real data that has been edited and anonymised. Continue reading

The Role of Evidence in Policy Making: a Welsh Government Perspective

Richard Thurston, Head of Research for Education & Skills, Knowledge and Analytical Services in the Welsh Government, discusses the role of evidence in policy making in theory and in practice.

This is a recording of a session hosted by the Wales DTC in the Hadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff University, on 30 January 2014. Continue reading