
As a WGSSS funded student, you have an unparalleled range of opportunities to undertake an internship and take advantage of all of the benefits this offers. If you are successful in applying for an internship, you will be granted a paid extension to your PhD equal to the length of the internship (between 1 and 6 months) so it will not take time away from your research. There are usually travel and accommodation expenses available.

You spend between one and  six months in a  non-academic organisation in the public, civil society (voluntary) or private sectors. The internship does not need to be related to your research, and many interns have reported that the experience has given them a new perspective on, and renewed vigour for, their PhD.

Internships  normally entail a defined piece of research-based work for the host organisation.  At the same time, there are clear benefits to you, which may include developing:

  • Networks  amongst policy makers and practitioners
  • Useful knowledge about organisations and how they work
  • Specific skills in report writing, communication and time management
  • Your capabilities in working in a team
  • A wide range of other transferable skills

You are likely to find that completing an internship helps you to stand out when applying for jobs both within and outside academia.

We advertise  internship opportunities with the Welsh Government three times a year, and with other organisations from time to time. UKRI also offers a  policy internships scheme  offering 3 month internships to ESRC funded students, typically advertised each summer.

Internship Experiences

In the following 3 minute videos, Wales DTP students who have done internships describe their experiences and reflect on what they learned and how it influenced their PhDs.

David Mair talks about his internship

David Mair on his Home Office internship

Christine Pinkard talks about her internship

Christine Pinkard on her ONS internship

You can hear a 7 minute talk by Catherine Knight on her internship with the Welsh Government recorded at our induction event in 2017.

You can also read our students’ internship reports.

Internship Application Deadlines

Internships with the Welsh Government – 06 September 2024 <br/>